Trust in number

4 schools
across 4 sites
6 different languages
spoken in our schools
1038 children
currently on role
2 % speak English
as an additional language
204 staff working
across our schools
7 % of our children
qualify for free school meals


 RMAT Separated Parents Policy Spring 2023.pdfDownload
 RMAT Sickness Management Procedure Summer 2023 .pdfDownload
 RMAT Staff Code of Conduct Autumn 2023.pdfDownload
 RMAT Staff Discipline and Dismissal, conduct and grievance Autumn 2023.docxDownload
 RMAT Statement of Behaviour Principles.pdfDownload
 RMAT Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Summer 2023.pdfDownload
 RMAT Teachers' Severance Discretions Policy Spring 2024.pdfDownload
 RMAT Trustee and Governor Development Policy.pdfDownload
 RMAT Trustee induction policy Summer 2023 .pdfDownload
 RMAT Trustee Recruitment policy Autumn 2023.docDownload
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