Trust in number

4 schools
across 4 sites
6 different languages
spoken in our schools
1038 children
currently on role
2 % speak English
as an additional language
204 staff working
across our schools
7 % of our children
qualify for free school meals

Mission, values & Strategic Objectives


Our Vision:

Through collaboration, determination and commitment, we will ensure outstanding opportunities that enable all stakeholders to thrive, grow and achieve.

We will be stronger together in pursuit of excellence.


Our Values:

  • Community
  • Aspiration
  • Transformation

 Our Aims:

In ROBUS Multi Academy Trust Schools we aim to give each child:

  • A high-quality learning experience enabling them to excel academically, socially and emotionally
  • The opportunity to develop high self-esteem, to build confidence and to be courageous
  • A motivating and memorable learning experience that flames the desire for lifelong learning
  • A humanitarian appreciation of the need for self-respect and the respect of others
 ROBUS Strategic-Plan-2023-26 (MASTER).pdfDownload
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